
Sony is Afraid

Recently, Sony started making a lot of brand damaging decisions, mostly focused around video game censorship.  However, it's a bit more nuanced than that.  Thanks to Microsoft being far behind Sony in the TV based console space, and Nintendo focusing on the Handheld Console Space (where they've always been very strong and made a huge amount of money) Sony has almost a monopoly in the videogame console space.  You might think that this would be great news for Sony.  You'd be wrong. Virtually the only part of Sony that has been making money has been videogames.  Pretty much every other area of the company is either a catastrophe like Sony Pictures or far behind their competitors like Apple and Samsung.  How has Sony responded to this?  By monkeying around with it's one profitable division (and the only thing that has been keeping the company afloat, the Playstation division).  Yes, they did something very expensive and moved it from Tokyo (where it was a well-oiled, mon